Dates to Remember for 2020



January 13th, 2020

School office resumes (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)

January 27th, 2020

Public Holiday

January 30th, 2020

Team 1 Students’ First Day


It’s the end of the Foundation students’ first year of school and they have done a great job! They have learnt the school routines and a lot of new things. They have come together as a group and whilst they can have their moments, they have been a group who care for and look out for each other.

At the end of year, the following students received awards for their number of nights of reading:

125 nights: Sirat, Jana, Maryam S, Suleyman, Sajad, Hamna, Arham, Ahmed S, Hajar, Aya, Taaiba, Humza , Ahmad M

150 nights: Sirat, Jana, Maryam S, Suleyman, Sajad, Hamna, Arham, Ahmed S, Hajar, Aya

175 nights: Sirat, Jana, Maryam S, Suleyman, Sajad

200 nights: Sirat

Thank you to the parents and guardians who helped them and listened to them reading. Those above have all improved in their reading skills over the course of the year and are becoming more confident readers. Without practising, this would not have happened.

Also, congratulations to the students who completed all their homework tasks for this year.

Throughout the year, Foundation students were exposed to all the letter/sounds and some double letter sounds. Their handwriting has vastly improved and they’re finding handwriting tasks much simpler now. For their writing and journal tasks, we have focused on writing on the solid line, using capitals at the start of sentences and for names of people. Together with, using full stops and trying some question marks. They’re remembering to leave finger spaces, to sound out words and spell known sight words. We’ve had a strong focus of writing down their own ideas and giving everything a try.

In Maths, we reviewed data and how to make simple graphs. We had a big focus on learning and ordering number words to 20 and looked at how to spell all the 10’s words to 100. One fun task we did as a class was making number chains as a visual way to practise and see the number words to ten.

Mathletics and Reading Eggs will still be available to students over the school break, and I hope everyone plays outside a lot too. Have fun and good luck for next year.

Mrs. Victoria Kelly
Foundation Teacher